Become a Full Stack Developer for Free

5 min readDec 30, 2021

We’re all trained to look at the word free and then think “scam” because who would want to share resources without personal gain? But, in all honesty, I’m sure you’re not.

Most people want to learn to code but don’t need to pay for an online Bootcamp since there are plenty of excellent, free online resources, and I asked my friends in software engineering for their most-loved learning sources. After receiving an impressive list of links, I decided that a few of them were too great not to share, and it’s here we are! Of course, you can rest assured that I’m not promoting anything, and I did receive some personal gain.

It is important to note that you don’t need to take the course in the order the resources are listed (or be pressured to complete all the tasks… that’s quite a bit), mainly if you are not interested in learning one particular language or you only wish to work on a backend or front-end tasks. Still, I recommend avoiding clicking on the resources designated as advanced until you’ve learned the language. (Common sense, isn’t it? But take it as an acknowledgment.)

Massive thanks To Elias Taveras, Aleve Akand, Triona Moynihan, Raymond Gan, Julia Zhou, and Gbenga Ojo-Aromokudu for their contributions to the resource!

- All About JavaScript -

Official JavaScript Documentation

The first place to test syntax, learn about subjects for beginners and advanced techs, and explore the full JavaScript reference manual.

Head First JavaScript (Online Book)

A brain-friendly guide that will aid you in learning JS to “launch your profession in just one section.” One hundred twenty puzzles and exercises, and discover how to avoid common mistakes and traps in coding.

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial (Online Book)

A 3-part guide to knowledge begins with the basics, more advanced topics, and thorough but straightforward explanations.

Part 1 focuses on the basics of learning JavaScript beginning from scratch before moving to more advanced concepts such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Again, the focus is on the language with a minimal amount of notes on the environment.

Part 2 covers the browser. Part 2 covers the Document, Events and Interfaces. Discover how you can manage your browser’s page by adding elements, adjusting their size and positioning, and learning how to dynamically build interfaces and interact with visitors.

Part 3 contains a list of additional topics that can be read in any order you like. It is necessary to complete Parts 1 and 2 before going to the third section.

You Don’t Know JS Yet (Online Book Series)

This is a set of books that go into the primary mechanism of JavaScript language. This is the 2nd edition of the series. It is important to note that you can purchase physical versions of the books. Therefore don’t confuse yourself and purchase them unless you would like to.

JavaScript Basics (Video Series)

A video series covers JS fundamentals, including links to problems that can be practiced and references. These materials mainly cover the JS language. The two references, in the beginning, contain astonishing information about JS in web browser APIs (DOM canvas, DOM, etc.)

Kevin Powell (Youtube Tutorials)

Through a mixture of short and lengthy series, he hopes to improve your front-end abilities and provide suggestions and tips for improving your designs. Every Wednesday, new videos are released.

Garrett Holstein (Youtube Tutorials)

An ex-Chemist who is now a Software Developer at NogaTech. He assists those searching for a position as a software engineer and is also a wealth of excellent videos and tutorials on Software Engineering dos and donts.

CodeSmith (Online Course)

I’ll begin by saying that I’m not sure if you can go through the entire course for free. However, this is a great resource. CSX includes programming challenges, courses instructors, mentors, and a vast community.

Frontend Mentor (Online Coding Challenges)

Develop your front-end skills by creating real-world projects. Find solutions to real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript problems while creating a professional design.

- Full Stack Resources -


They’re a free Software Engineering Bootcamp that focuses on collaboration, the freedom to explore various programming areas, project-based peer learning, and a better understanding of being a better learner.

It is possible to learn at your own pace, and it’s not just for those looking to become an engineer in software. They recognize that certain people prefer projects or UX/UI and accommodate them accordingly.

It’s a fantastic Bootcamp for everyone. The greatest part? If you’d like to stay in the United States Bay Area during your Bootcamp course, you can apply for the dorms for rent to house 600 students. WOW.

The only drawback is that you need to be over 18 years old to participate in the Bootcamp. Applications are open until 2021.

App Academy (JavaScript and Ruby)

The course is free and includes over 1500 hours of content (readings, videos, articles, projects) and an interactive coding environment and features for community members (like chat) to keep you in contact with thousands of potential developers around the world.

The course for free is the same as the full-time in-person course. However, you won’t be able to access Live Video Lectures, job Placement Services, Pair Programming, and a handful of other collaborative things.

Code Academy

They will teach you how to create websites, analyze data and much more. Select the language you’d like to learn and receive immediate feedback about whether you’re on the correct course. I know someone who took the free Code Academy course (start to end) and is now employed full-time as a Full-Stack developer.

Full Stack Python (Python)

How to create a deployment, operate, and manage Python applications Development. An open-source guide that describes technical concepts in plain language. Access everything online for no cost!

Harvard University Online

You can try all the Harvard’s Online Computer Science courses for no cost! If you’re not sure, you take the class online but aren’t awarded the certificate. If you are concerned about it, you can purchase the certificate; however, I’d instead take the most classes you can without cost.

The Odin Project (JavaScript, NodeJS, and Ruby)

Track One: Full Stack Ruby on Rails will cover everything you must know from beginning to finish to build beautiful responsive websites right from scratch in Ruby on Rails.

Track 2: Front End Only will guide you through all the content on the front end. The only things you will learn are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Track 3: Full Stack JavaScript will teach you everything you need to build beautiful responsive websites from scratch using JavaScript and NodeJS.

Full Stack Open (React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript)

Advanced Resource The course will introduce you to the latest web development using JavaScript. The focus is on developing single-page web applications using ReactJS, which utilize REST APIs created by Node.js. The course includes the testing process, configuration, and environmental management.

- Bonus: One Paid Resource -

Front End Masters

I know I said that this blog post was filled with accessible sources, but everyone agreed that this website was fantastic. I have no idea what’s on this site, but it came so highly recommended, I decided it’s worth adding it to the list. (So don’t shout at me!)




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