The Top Benefits of Using A Mobile App to facilitate an easy recruitment process

3 min readNov 19, 2021

In the current technologically advanced era, A recent survey revealed that more than 70% of job seekers use mobile phones or smartphones to search for work.

According to the data gathered by an Indeed blog, more than 77% of those candidates are applying today via different mobile apps for recruiting.

This number is a clear indication of what is happening in the mobile world. Mobile applications play a significant part in the recruitment process and in a myriad of other tasks like ordering food tickets, food ordering, and much more! Here’s an overview of some incredible advantages of mobile apps for a smoother and better recruitment process.

#1 Intelligent and Instant Notifications

This is an undisputed reality that the current job market is highly competitive. Most likely, hundreds of thousands of applicants are applying for a specific job.

In this competitive situation, the earlier you can apply, the greater the chance is of getting an interview if applicants use an application for mobile that allows them to receive instant notifications when recruiters post a job opening on the job site. From the recruiter’s perspective, when a candidate applies to the job posting, the recruiter receives a quick notification, too.

These instant and precise notifications make communication between the two parties much more efficient and more convenient.

#2 Data Parsing, Strong Searching and Data Searching

If one needs to send their CV and other documents in PDF format or a simple Word format would be acceptable the same way — the confusion is always present. With a reliable mobile application specifically designed to assist in this recruiting process, it is now clear.

Mobile applications can view and read the most commonly used types of documents. This means that searching for the required documents is made simpler for job seekers.

Additionally, suppose you’re seeking an opening in a particular location or for a particular job. In that case, A mobile application with many features allows job hunting to be very simple by incorporating all specifications.

#3 Sharing Team Members’ Information is now easy

When a recruiter stumbles upon the application of a candidate they are interested in and wants to share the information of the applicant to team members is effortless with a powerful mobile application. In this instance, it is possible to use email, too.

However, the concept of using email is becoming outdated since it’s slow! Although two members of the team do not share the same location sharing these documents and other information is now a breeze thanks to the efficiency of mobile apps that are dynamic and responsive.

In addition to the previously mentioned aspects, having a specific mobile application used for the recruiting process will give you an unforgettable mobile recruitment experience.

Man Mohan is an experienced app creator at NogaTech IT Solutions LLC, an Australian-based iPhone and Android application development company that is a cult in app development. For updates and news, visit the LinkedIn profile of a reputable company for app development.




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